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“Spoilt brat” is an apt term to describe the homeopathic remedy, Moschus. The materia medica of this homeopathic medicine clearly shows a pattern of extreme behaviour and emotions.

Being one of the most egoistic homeopathic remedies, Moschus also shows a distinct element of hysteria and rage. It is also worthy to remember that the violent reactions of Moschus can only be paralleled by two other equally furious temperaments in Mercurius and Fluoric Acid. However, very rarely has such a volatile combination of behaviours been seen in Homeopathy.

Materia Medica Live conjures up a lively picture of Moschus in the form of an amazing video, for you to view, understand and remember for the rest of your life.

First Glance:

  • Slightest disturbance of the mental equilibrium of Moschus or least emotional changes bring on a state of fainting. Faints easily, while eating, during menses, from heart disease.
  • Moschus girls are selfish, obstinate, self-willed and much pampered and resort to all kinds of cunning to have their whims gratified.
  • Impotency from diabetes mellitus is a characteristic of Moschus.
  • Sexual desire of Moschus is increased.
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When there is a general tendency to fainting.
Tarentula Cubensis
Indicated in various forms of malignant suppuration.
Tarentula Hispanica
When the patient must be in constant motion although motion aggravates.


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