Tarentula Cubensis

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Tarentula Cubensis is one of the first homeopathic remedies considered for ‘Pains of Death’ because various books on Materia Medica mention that it soothes the last struggle. Very little is known about Tarentula Cubensis as a constitutional homeopathic medicine.

Did you know, for instance, that Tarentula Cubensis is a sympathetic and compassionate person? What is it that makes this homeopathic remedy restless and reduces his sense of concentration?

Tarentula Cubensis covers a wide range of skin symptoms in Homeopathy including gangrene, carbuncles, abscesses and even ulcers.

Observe the development of this lesser known constitutional remedy through a video spanning its evolution only in the application, Materia Medica Live! Get a fresh perspective in homeopathic prescribing.

First Glance:

  • Terrible, burning, stinging pain in all septic states is the keynote of Tarentula Cubensis.
  • Restlessness, could not keep quiet in any position, must keep in motion, though walking < all symptoms.
  • Tarentula Cubensis shows anxiety while walking, which makes him walk faster.
  • Tarentula Cubensis has delirium with pains or from sepsis.
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When there is a general tendency to fainting.
Tarentula Cubensis
Indicated in various forms of malignant suppuration.
Tarentula Hispanica
When the patient must be in constant motion although motion aggravates.


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